Preview: Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 2

Just a matter of about one and a half months, the most anticipated movies this year in particular by the Twi-Hard "Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 2" will finally be seen in cinemas on 19 November 2012.

The film is being highly anticipated because it is the end of a long story of Edward Cullens, Bella Swan, and Jacob Black.

Twilight Saga series itself became an instant phenomenon when it first aired in 2008. It took 5 years and a total of five films to finally end the movie series that has generated billions of dollars around the world.

Now getting closer to broadcast, the Twilight Saga has just released a new poster. This poster is a poster as well as final (end) which will be "framed" in cinemas.

Poster presents Bella, Edward, Jacob, and his entourage of family Cullens and werewolves (werewolves) who looked ready to fight towards the end of their battle against the Volturi.

Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 tells of family Cullens are trying to gather other vampire clans to help them protect children from Edward and Bella "Renesmee" of the charges against them before the Volturi family.

This film is starring Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Peter Facinelli, Ashley Greene, Kellan Lutz, Jackson Rathbone, Elizabeth Reaser, Nikki Reed, Billy Burke, Maggie Grace, and Rami Malek.

Hanya sekitar satu setengah bulan, film yang paling diantisipasi tahun ini khususnya oleh Twi-Hard "Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 2" akhirnya akan terlihat di bioskop pada tanggal 19 November 2012. Film ini sangat diantisipasi karena itu adalah akhir dari cerita panjang Edward Cullens, Bella Swan, dan Jacob Black. Twilight Saga seri itu sendiri menjadi fenomena instan ketika pertama kali ditayangkan pada tahun 2008. Butuh waktu 5 tahun dan total lima film untuk akhirnya mengakhiri seri film yang telah dihasilkan miliaran dolar di seluruh dunia. Sekarang semakin dekat untuk menyiarkan, Twilight Saga baru saja merilis sebuah poster baru. Poster ini adalah poster serta akhir (end) yang akan "dibingkai" di bioskop. Poster menyajikan Bella, Edward, Jacob, dan rombongan dari Cullens keluarga dan manusia serigala (werewolf) yang tampak siap untuk melawan menjelang akhir pertempuran mereka melawan Volturi. Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 menceritakan Cullens keluarga berusaha untuk mengumpulkan klan vampir lainnya untuk membantu mereka melindungi anak-anak dari Edward dan Bella "Renesmee" atas tuduhan terhadap mereka sebelum keluarga Volturi. Film ini dibintangi Kristen Stewart ini, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Peter Facinelli, Ashley Greene, Kellan Lutz, Jackson Rathbone, Elizabeth Reaser, Nikki Reed, Billy Burke, Maggie Grace, dan Rami Malek.

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